Our smiles and appearance affects our self-esteem, our moods and how we function in social and business relationships. We can help give you a better, more beautiful smile that can have a powerful impact on your lifestyle and comfort level.
Dental Implants

Before: Broken Tooth

After: Implant Placement with Final Bruxzir Crown

Before: Failing Tooth & Poor Esthetics

After: Final Restoration with Implants

Before: Fully Edentulous

After: Strategic Placement of Dental Implants & Final Bruzxir Esthetic Bridges

Before: Poor Esthetic Denture

After: Implants with New Bruxzir Esthetic Bridges

Before: Maxillary Reconstruction with Dental Implants

After: Final Bruxzir Esthetic Bridge

Before: Missing Teeth

After: Hybrid After Placement of Dental Implants

Before: Wearing Flipper Appliance

After: Placement of Dental Implants

Before: Missing Tooth

after dental implant

before treatment

after crown

Before: Full Mouth Reconstruction

After: Hybrid After Placement of Dental Implants

Before: Missing Lateral Incisors

After: Implant Placement with Bruxzir Crowns

Before: Worn Denture

After: Implant Placement and Conversion to Hybrid

Before: Missing Upper Teeth

After: Implant Placement

Before: Edentulous

After: Full Mouth Reconstruction

Before: Missing Teeth

After: Replacement of missing teeth with dental implants

Before: Replacement of Half Arch

After: Placement of Dental Implants

Before: Missing Tooth

After: Replacement of Missing Tooth with a Dental Implant

Before: Dental Implants

After: Dental Implants

Before: Implant Hybrid Bridge

After: Implant Hybrid Bridge

Before: Implant Hybrid Bridge

After: Implant Hybrid Bridge

Before: Implant Retained Crown

After: Implant Retained Crown

Before: Dental Implants

After: Dental Implants

Before: Dental Implants

After: Dental Implants

Before: Dental Implants

After: Dental Implants

Before: Dental Implants

After: Dental Implants

Before: Implants & Crowns

After: Implants & Crowns

Before: Dental Implants

After: Dental Implants

Before: Implant

After: Implant Restoration

Before: Implants & Crowns

After: Implants & Crowns

Before: Broken Tooth

After: Broken Tooth

Before: Dental Implants

After: Dental Implants

Before: Veneers & Implants

After: Veneers & Implants
Crowns & Veneers



before reconstruction

after reconstruction

before reconstruction

after crowns

Before: Poor Esthetics

After: New Anterior Bruxzir Crowns

before dental implants

after crowns

before treatment

After: Implant Crown

before treatment

after crowns

before crowns

after crowns

Before: Veneers

After: Veneers

Before: Crowns

After: Crowns

Before: Veneers

After: Veneers

Before: Crowns

After: Crowns

Before: Crowns

After: Crowns

Before: Crowns

After: Crowns

Before: Anterior Bruxzir Crowns

After: Anterior Bruxzir Crowns

Before: Crowns

After: Crowns

Before: Crowns

After: Crowns

before crowns

after crowns

before crowns

after crowns

before treatment

after crowns
Teeth Whitening

before treatment

after reconstruction

before reconstruction

after reconstruction

Before: Bonding

After: Bonding

after reconstruction

after dental bridge

Before: Implant Hybrid Bridge

After: Implant Hybrid Bridge

Before: Bridge

After: Bridge

Before: Bridge

After: Bridge

Before: Bridge

After: Bridge

Before: Crowns & Bridge

After: Crowns & Bridge

Before: Bridge

After: Bridge

before treatment

after dental bridge